Membership Form
for April 1st 2024 to March 31st 2025
Membership Fees are: -
Adult £30.00
Junior (<18 years), Student (>18 years), Unemployed £20.00
Family £50.00
Please read the following declaration before submitting this form.
I (the person submitting this form) am aware and have made anyone else named on this form aware that paddle sports are assumed risk sports and accept, for myself and on behalf of others named on this form, the risks involved. Whilst Carlisle Canoe Club seek to minimise these risks, accidents can happen, therefore I consent to myself or anyone else named on this form receiving appropriate first aid or in a medical emergency consent to medical treatment which, in the opinion of a qualified medical practitioner, may be necessary. I certify that I/they can swim at least 50 metres in light clothing and that I/they agree to comply with the Club Constitution, Rules, Codes of Conduct and Equity Policy as shown on the Club website. I give permission that my/their pictures may be used on the Club website, Facebook page or in Club promotional material. I give permission for any under 18 named to take part in activities or events organised or participated in by Carlisle Canoe Club. By submitting this form I agree that the information provided can be shared with British Canoeing, the sport’s governing body, to which the Club is affiliated. (British Canoeing may send you information about British Canoeing activities, events, and competitions as well as those of selected third parties (including British Canoeing partner organisations) by e-mail.) I understand that the personal information I supply will be retained by Carlisle Canoe Club and handled in accordance with its Data Protection Policy and in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). The Data Protection Policy can be found under Policies and Procedures on the Club’s website.
Once you submit this form you will receive an email detailing
options for paying the membership fee.
A new membership form is required each year from each member as part of maintaining
British Canoeing Affiliation & Insurance. For Family memberships please submit a separate form for each family member.